By Rosa Gulliver of TINYGMUSIC | 31st May 2023

Recently debuted solo indie pop artist naar. is back with a new release after his debut single in April 2023 with ‘PARTY MONSTER’; a nostalgic, soulful, downtempo track with its rhythmic guitar chords.

naar.’s new single ‘weirdo’ released today, is an upbeat indie pop track that tells the story of young love. The song’s cheery beat, underlying confounding lyrics, and uplifting music video captivate listeners while naar. continues to wander; trying to find his place as the ‘weirdo’ in the scene.
The track was co-produced by himself and fellow producer/artist EOM and expresses naar.’s unique musical tonality and cadence. naar. continues to broaden his spectrum to develop and showcase himself through music artistically.
‘weirdo’ was released today on all major music platforms.
The single is accompanied by a Music Video, released on A MASS CULTURE’s official YouTube Channel.
About naar.
On Aprilo 12, 2023, naar. officially debuted as a solo artist under A MASS CULTURE with his single "PARTY MONSTER"

naar. is an artist whose smooth, stirring, and heart-breaking voice is sure to garner the attention of audiences worldwide while breaking records internationally.
Heavily influenced by bands such as Joy Again, Acid Ghost, and Car Seat, naar. brings a voice that is tinged with the likes of artists like The Weeknd, Frank Ocean, and Shiloh Dynasty; bringing an indie new wave feel to R&B.
Keep up with naar.
Thank you A MASS CULTURE for allowing TINYgMUSIC to cover naar.'s activities and promotions.